Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility KA107 (2019 & 2020 Projects) Selection Results for Incoming Staff

Selection results for Erasmus+ Non-European Exchange Program (KA107 International Credit Mobility-ICM) Incoming Staff Applications for 2021-2022 Academic Year can be found below: 


2021-2022 Selection List (2019 Project)


2021-2022 Selection List (2020 Project)


Placed with Grant: Staff who were placed at a university and received Erasmus+ grant.
Placed without Grant: Staff who were placed without Erasmus+ grant (due to grant quota specific to each country) are “reserve for grant”. These staff may receive Erasmus+ grant if a granted staff in the same country withdraws from the program and no new staff get placed in that quota with a higher Overall Score.

Procedures After Selection:



These procedures are valid for both staff with and without grant.


Staff who have been placed in the list are required to contact Erasmus+ Office KA107 Projects Specialist ( and specify their semester preference until 06 August 2021, 12.00 am (noon time).


Staff who decide to withdraw from the program are required to contact Erasmus+ Office KA107 Projects Specialist ( until 06 August 2021,12.00 am (noon time). Staff who withdraw from the program without a force major reason after 06 August 2021,12.00 am (noon time) will lose 10 points in their future Erasmus applications. Even though the participants do not conduct their mobility yet;10 points will be decreased because of being selected and granted in this call.


Selection Criteria:


This Programme provides 1 week-long academic staff teaching (STA)/training (STT) exchange financed by the SDU KA107 budget.

Incoming staffs are paid 140 Euro per day.

Besides, all the short-listed candidates are paid one-time travel grant depending on the distance between Süleyman Demirel University (City: Isparta) and the partner institution’s location.


Distance   Travel Grant 
10-99 km 20 Euro
100-499 km          180 Euro
500‐1999 km          275 Euro
2000‐2999 km    360 Euro
3000‐3999 km       530 Euro
4000‐7999 km    820 Euro
Over  8000 km  1500 Euro


All the applications for staff from partner institutions gathered from following link according the calendar below

For Academic Staff:


Announcement of the selection criteria: 24.5.2021 ( Monday)-14.06.2021 (Monday)
Application dates: 15.06.2021(Tuesday)-23.07.2021(Friday)

Announcement date of staff selection: 29.07.2021 (Thursday)

Selection criteria for staff:

-Base Point:50 (All the candidates applying for mobility is going to get 50 points)

-(%50) language level

-contribution to project development ( KA107, Memorandum of Understanding, Mevlana agreement): 30 points.

Total Applications: 44 individual applications from 15 different partner institutions.

Name of The Partner Institution Total Number of Applications Project Interval
Kazakh National Agrarian University (Kazakhstan) 8 2019-2022
International University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 6 2019-2022

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (Malaysia)

6 2019-2022
International Islamic University of Malaysia (Malaysia) 4 2019-2022

Azerbaijan State University of Economics (Azerbaijan) 

4 2020-2023

University Ibn Tofail (Morocco)

2 2020-2023

Al-Albayt University (Jordon)

2 2020-2023

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan)

2 2019-2022
Sao Paola State University (Brazil) 2 2020-2023
Kazakh National Research Technical University After Satbayev (Kazakhstan) 2 2020-2023
Carthage University (Tunusia) 2 2020-2023
Universiti Putra Malaysia (Malaysia) 1 2019-2022
Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University (Kyrgyzstan) 1 2020-2023
National University of Mongolia (Mongolia) 1 2020-2023
Nizhyn Gogol State University (Ukraine) 1 2020-2023


*Following table is applied to standardize the dispersed proof of languages collected from the candidates. For the ones who submitted certificate from universityies' language centers without any indication for level is taken as "B1".


Common European Framework of Reference for Languages




A1 Basic 0-19
A2 Pre-Intermediate 20-39
B1 Intermediate 40-54
B2 Upper Intermediate 55-69
C1 Advanced 70-84
C2 Proficient 85-100


Objection to Selection Results:

Applicants who would like to object to the selection results made according to the above criteria must apply to Erasmus+ Office KA107 Projects Specialist ( with a written petition within one week from the date of the announcement. The written applications will be evaluated by the University Exchange Programs Commission.

Yayın Tarihi: 26/07/2021
Okunma Sayısı: 6876