Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility KA171 (2022 Projects) Second Round Final Selection Results for Incoming Student

We would like to announce that within one week from the date of the announcement dated 26.09.2023, we didn’t receive any petition of objection to the selection results made according to the above criteria.

Therefore, the University Exchange Programs Commission held on 04.10.2023, decided the list concerning the student selection would be the same one dated 26.09.2023.


Selection results for Erasmus+ Non-European Exchange Program (KA171 International Credit Mobility-ICM) Incoming Student Applications for 2023-2024 Academic Year  (Spring Semester) can be found below: 


Second Round Selection List (2022 Project)


Placed with Grant: Student who were placed at a university and received Erasmus+ grant.

Placed without Grant: Student who were placed at a university and not received Erasmus+ grant.


Procedures After Selection:

Student who have been placed in the list are required to contact Erasmus+ Office KA171 Projects Specialist ( 

This Programme provides 5 months-long student mobility for studies (SMS) exchange financed by the SDU KA171 budget.

- All the short-listed candidate incoming students placed with grant are paid one-time travel grant depending on the distance between Süleyman Demirel University (City: Isparta) and the partner institution’s location (


Distance Travel Grant 
10-99 km 20 Euro
100-499 km  180 Euro
500‐1999 km 275 Euro
2000‐2999 km 360 Euro
3000‐3999 km 530 Euro
4000‐7999 km 820 Euro
Over  8000 km 1500 Euro


- Incoming students are paid 800 Euro per month.

- Selected students will participate in the spring semester.


Selection Criteria for Student:

All the applications for student from partner institutions gathered from following link according the calendar below

For Student:


-(%50) language level.

- Prior utilization/s from Erasmus+ Programme:-10 points


2022 Call Year KA171 Projects Quota List

Country Name of the University Departments Level Total Number of Quotas
Kosova Pristine University Finance and Banking Bachelor, Master, PHD 1
Bosnia-Herzegovina University of Bihac Finance and Banking Bachelor, Master, PHD 1
Albania Ismail Qemal Vlore University Management Bachelor, Master, PHD 1
Azerbaijan State University of Economics Economics Bachelor, Master, PHD 0

Russian Federation*


Lobachevsky University

State University of Economics

Social Work

Social Work





Ukraine National Aviation University Political Science and Public Administration Bachelor, Master, PHD 1
Algaria Djillali Liabes Sidi Bel Abbes University Labour Economics and Industrial Relations Bachelor, Master, PHD 0
Jordan Yarmouk University Political Science and Public Administration Bachelor, Master, PHD 1
Morocco Ibn Tofail University Political Science and Public Administration Bachelor, Master, PHD 0
Tunusia Carthagé University Political Science and Public Administration Bachelor, Master, PHD 1
Bangladesh Daffodil University Management Bachelor, Master, PHD 0
Etiopia Haramaya University Political Science and Public Administration Bachelor, Master, PHD 0
Ghana Kumasi Technical University Management Bachelor, Master, PHD 0
Tanzania College of Business Education Management Bachelor, Master, PHD 2


* Due to Ukrania-Russia War, after eligibility check with Turkish National Agency the mobilities shifted to Azerbaijan-State University of Economics.


Total Applications: 1 student

Selected Student: 0 student


Suleyman Demirel University

Institutional Erasmus Office

Yayın Tarihi: 05/10/2023
Okunma Sayısı: 613